
Ahmed Hassan

What a great player.. he's 34 and still showing a great fitness :) the goal of Ahmed Hassan was like A bullet, firing a good ball from a distance of more than 35 yards
Ahmed Hassan won the best player of the match and got good prize on the day of arrival to the international game No. 170, the highest number of international Egyptian player in history. he's so great mashallah
Ahmed Hassan is simply the best


I love this song.. one in a million

How did I get here I turned around ~ And there you were
I didn't think twice or rationalize 'cuz somehow I knew..
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it's too good to be true..

I said pinch me where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it ~ You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough
Til I thought I'm through ~ Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms on the one

You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you ~ You come with your velvet touch..
Can't believe that I'm so lucky ~I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye..
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it ~ You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work ~ They weren't good enough
Til I thought I'm through ~ Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms on the one

I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it ~ you're one in a million

Miley Cyrus


Memorable Quotes

And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before.
Francesca: I want to keep it forever. I want to love you the way I do now the rest of my life. Don't you understand... we'll lose it if we leave. I can't make an entire life disappear to start a new one. All I can do is try to hold onto to both. Help me. Help me not lose loving you.
Robert: The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out, but glad I had them.
Robert : I dont want to need you, 'cause I can't have you.
Robert: Don't kid yourself, Francesca: you are anything but a simple woman.
This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.

Feancesca: I'll blame loving you for how much it hurts. And then even these days won't be anything more than something sordid and... a mistake.
ROBERT (desperately) Francesca, listen to me. You think what's happened to us happens to just anybody? What we feel for each other? How much we feel? We're not even two separate people anymore. Some people search their whole lives for it and wind up alone -- most people don't even think it exists and you're going to tell me that giving it up is the right thing to do? That staying here alone in a town you hate, in a house you don't feel apart of anymore -- you're telling me that's the right thing to do!?
We are the choices we've made, Robert


it's getting better

it's getting better. I will finally see my brother tomorrow :) I'm so excited. I was very happy today at work, even every one could tell that I look different. I got him a nice present too. I miss him a lot. Alhamdolillah
94:5 "verily, with every difficulty, there is relief"
اللهم ان ما بى من نعمة أو بأحد من خلقك فمنك وحدك.. فلك الحمد و لك الشكر


it can only be better

I feel like crying.I'm trying to keep my mind busy all the time but I feel everything is falling apart
I miss my grandmother. until this moment it's still hard to believe that she's gone
and my brother I haven't seen for more than a month.. I miss him a lot. today he's turning 20.. he's a big guy now.. and I cant even call him to wish him a happy birthday
my work is not going well, I break down under pressure, and even the easiest tasks seem very stressful right now. I can't sleep. I stay awake all night for no reason... there's so much mess and I can't seem to take control of my life. I don't feel like working or doing anything. I know that everything happens for a reason, and I have faith that all of this is going to an end soon . I just should be more patient.. what can I say.. if it can't get any worse then it can only be better.. Rest in peace granny and Happy Birthday to u bro


Random & Silly

I have always wanted to get in a cab and say: Follow that car
I hate breaking notes, bcuz I know I'll spend the coins without care
when I read capital letters, the VOICE IN MY HEAD YELLS
I don't care if there's a fridge full of food, there's NOTHING TO EAT
"can I see ur phone" doesn't mean "Can I see ur messages"
when I see a tall guy I secretly thank him for making me feel short
No, I'm not lying but when u look at me like that, How can I not smile?l
the world is not gonna end in 2012
Hugs from behind are the cutest
Hey..yes? .. are u awake?.. No, I'm talking in my sleep
I'm not actually mad at u, I just want u to care
I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later
I love the smell of petrol
Arabs dont live in tents
sometimes when I walk I try to keep my feet in the little square tiles
I'd rather text u than call u
u get the butterfly feeling when u like someone
I love it when google changes their Logo to match the occasion of the day
I love the smell of Rain
I type things into google to see if I typed them correctly :P
I close my eyes for a second and wake up to find I slept for two hours
I hate people that dont text back and I hate getting texts that only says"k
I let chocolates melt in my mouth instead of chewing quickly
I cant stand to hear my voice in recordings or videos
I hate the 160 chapter texting limits
I like flipping the pillow over to get the cold side
people dont really want jobs, they just want money
wy do Hygine products only kill 99.9% of bacteria? I want the 0.1% killed too
I hate the word "ilu" it destroyed the meaning of "i love u
wy do u yell "Phone!"when the phone rings even though everyone hears it
I love dreams, it's like TV while sleeping
I keep my favourite songs on repeat till I get sick of it
I hate thinking of a really good comeback when the conversation is over
"I love u" is completely different from "love ya

this was the silliest post ever