

ok I dont know what's wrong with me, am being super sensitive I keep on getting angry all the time, and I feel like crying over the littlest things. it's not like I dont have reasons, but once I speak 'em out I feel silly and over reacting. I dont know but am just being tense lately and I DON'T LIKE IT! I dont even know if am sad, angry or anxious.
so i lay in bed with racing thoughts and then i tell myself to stop thinking and then that stupid thing happens where u’r thinking of not thinking!!! and that's the last thing I need now, more bounts of insomnia... life is GREAT


B. يقول...

life is definitely not great but there is nothing we can do about it but to let it live through us. these feelings happen to best of us and you just need to do some little things that may cheer you up! Im not the greatest adviser in this area but lately my life sucks more than anything and all I do is to feel sad about it. but there are times i just go for a walk, get myself some sweets or just sit and read to distract myself. inshallah you can try some and feel better soon! this will also pass just like everything else does in this dunyaa...

love you girl! you rock!

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